Save the dates:
11. April @ Kaisersaal, Basel
24. April @ Druckereihalle, Basel
31. Mai @ Museum Allschwil
Bleibt auf dem Laufenden für Neuigkeiten zur nächsten Ausgabe von Rhein Klassik.
"What a joy to have been part of this festival, which brings incredible chamber music repertoire to warm and familiar audiences in and around Basel. Impeccable organization, fascinating and diverse programming, and musicians who give their very best each year. Can only look forward to seeing it grow even more!"
"It was a pleasure to have been part of the concert in Kaisersaal/Basel organized by Rhein Klassik. Lovely chamber music hall, great musicians and lovely audience and ambience!"
“The Rhein Klassik festival is a wonderful initiative. High quality musicians share dynamic and diverse programmes. I had a great time participating!”
"Rheinklassik gave me the platform to restart and connect with great musicians after the silent period of corona."
„Mit dem Ensemble DeciBells hatten wir bei Rhein Klassik ein wundervolles Konzerterlebniss. Das Publikum war hell begeistert. Rhein Klassik ist eine ganz besondere Konzertreihe mit spannenden und reichaltigen Programmen!“
“This is the most enjoyable concert setting for me or any musician. Intimate, warm, liberating and good vibes only.“
"Rhein Klassik is a place where dedicated music making with friends brings opportunities for other freelance musicians. It was a joy for my colleagues and I to perform in a beautiful venue as a part this series, and to do it for a good cause.”
“Rhein Klassik is superbly organized, with excellent artists performing. It was a joy to play in one of Rhein Klassik concerts at Don Bosco Basel.”
“Such a great initiative from Chris Jepson to have created this wonderful serie ! The few concerts I had the opportunity to play for Rhein Klassik were always a big pleasure to share music with the cello Quartet “
"It was a fantastic experience performing for Rheinklassik with such an exciting mix of young and renowned musicians, definitely one of the most enjoyable moments of my career!"
"Rhein Klassik is an amazing series that gives the chance to freelance musicians to perform in the best conditions, and offers a great variety of high quality concerts.... one of the best musical initiative of the past years in Basel!"
"It was a blessing, after a long covid period, to restart with my beloved “made in trio” in this wonderful project dedicated to chamber music. This opportunity was indeed what we needed, and we are honestly super grateful. Hope this project will keep on going, inspiring many more people and giving musicians a chance to play great music, always."
uber uns
Junge Talent vorstellen
Stellen Sie sich eine Kammermusikreihe vor, die nicht nur die Vielfalt der musikalischen Gemeinschaft präsentiert, sondern auch einige der neuesten Talente mit etablierten Musikern zusammenbringt. Diese Serie bietet eine Plattform, um einen Ruf aufzubauen.
Rhein Klassik wurde aus der Idee geboren, Musiker während der COVID-19-Pandemie zu unterstützen, indem Konzerte an verschiedenen Veranstaltungsorten in Basel organisiert wurden.
Heute veranstalten wir Konzerte für Musiker aller Art und helfen Freiberuflern und Studenten dabei, sich in der Musikszene zu etablieren.
Rhein Klassik lebt von den Spenden von Stiftungen und freundlichen Privatpersonen.
Bitte helfen Sie uns, diese Initiative zu erhalten.